Writing worker queues, in Go

Have you ever wanted to write something that is highly concurrent, and performs as many tasks as you will let it, in parallel? Well, look no further, here is a guide on how to do just that, in Go!

This isn’t new

For an absolutely riveting (to me) talk on concurrency patterns, I highly recommend watching the following videos:

  • Concurrency is not Parallelism by Rob Pike is a good video to start with, as it imparts the theory behind using concurrency to write applications that execute tasks in parallel. This is definitely my favourite video in the bunch.
  • Go Concurrency Patterns (again, by Rob Pike) gives more concrete examples of how to employ various concurrency…erm…patterns, in Go. It also provides a comparison on how Go’s concurrency model differs from those in other languages, like Erlang.
  • Advanced Go Concurrency Patterns by Sameer Ajmani takes Go Concurrency Patterns and extends on it, by showing you even more patterns you can employ in your code.

If all you want is a basic understanding of concurrency, then you could get away with only watching the first video.

Some assumptions

While this will not be covered in the code examples, we are going to make several assumptions about our system:

  1. Under no circumstances will the clients issuing work requests wait for the work request to finish. This is simply to avoid over-complicating our examples.
  2. A work request will take a person’s name, and a length of time by which to delay the printing of that person’s name. The length of time must be parseable by time.ParseDuration(), and must be between 1 (one) and 10 (ten) seconds, inclusively.
  3. You have the Go compiler, and toolchain, installed.

Hopefully, by the end of this article, you will be able to figure out how we can add in support for clients to wait for a work reqeust to finish. I also hope to leave you with an example that is easy to extend beyond your wildest imaginations. :smileyface:

Some terminology

There are a few terms we are going to be using, in this article, to describe the various parts of our queueing system.

A collector is going to be responsible for receiving work requests, and adding them to the work queue.

The work queue is, in Go terms, a buffered channel, which just lets work requests collect. The work queue is buffered, so that we do not block the collector.

Our dispatcher are responsible for pulling work requests off of the queue, and distributing them to the next available worker. To keep things clear, and voodoo-free, we are going to have our dispatcher maintain several queues, the first of which, being the worker queue.

The worker queue is the weirdest part about all of this (if you are not familiar with Go, and maybe, even if you are). It is a buffered channel of channels. The channels that go into this channel, are what the workers use to receive the work request. If this does not make sense now, it probably will as we implement the system.

Lastly, workers are responsible for performing a unit of work. In our examples, we are going to make workers responsible for letting the dispatcher know when they are ready to accept more work.

Step 1: Defining our work request structure

We need to be able to send our work request to the workers, via the dispatcher. Now, due to Go’s strict type system, channels must be typed. Yes, channels are a type, but they are a type that is used to send values of other types around. To satisfy this behaviour, we are going to create a struct that holds our work request.

Step 2: The collector

The collector is nothing special; it receives client requests for work, builds a work request that the workers can understand, and pushes the work onto the end of the work queue.

Ideally, the collector should be responsible for running sanity checks on the incoming work requests, and alert the client if their work request does not fit within whatever acceptable boundaries you define. We also do not want our collector to hold an open network connection for any longer than it has to. Again, this imposition is in the name of keeping things simple.

Our collector is going to be a simple, HTTP handler function that we can register with Go’s default HTTP server.

Now, in this snippet of code, we have WorkQueue defined as a channel that can be used to send WorkRequest objects around on, and it has a buffer size of 100 (one hundred).

The buffer size of the channel is completely arbitrary, but you want to set it high enough so that sending work requests over it does not fill up, and block the send operation: WorkQueue <- work.

Step 3: The worker

Now, we need to implement a worker. What the worker needs to have, is a channel of its own that the dispatcher (which we will implement next) can use to give the worker a WorkRequest. We are also going to give our workers a numeric ID, so that we can see which worker is performing the work.

The NewWorker function does nothing more than create a new Worker object, and return it. The lone argument to NewWorker is the buffered channel of un-buffered, WorkRequest channels. In the creation of the Worker object, we also giving the worker an un-buffered channel for it to receive the work requests on. Truthfully, we really don’t need this channel to be buffered. The reason for this is that the worker can really only do one thing at a time, and what we want here, is for the dispatcher to only give out work requests to workers that are idle, and waiting for work.

The QuitChan is also un-buffered, only because it doesn’t need to be. We avoid the blocking nature of un-buffered channels in the Worker.Stop function by wrapping the send in an anonymous goroutine; we will not block the call to Worker.Stop(), but the worker will stop when we want it to.

Step 4: The dispatcher

It is now time to implement our dispatcher!

Deceivingly simple, isn’t it? At the top of the file, we have declared, and initialized, our WorkerQueue which is the buffered channel that holds the work channels from each worker.

Remember, the worker is responsible for adding itself into the workers queue.

Within the StartDispatcher function (to which we provide the number of workers we would like to start), we initialize the WorkerQueue channel with a buffer size the same as the number of workers we are going to start.

Then, we create and start the workers. In the NewWorker function, the first argument is an integer, which we use as a numeric ID for the workers, so that we can see which worker is doing the work.

The final block of code, the anonymous goroutine, is what actually dispatches the queued work requests. We pull a work request off of the WorkQueue channel (which we declared and initialized in collector.go), then we then fire off another, anonymous goroutine to send the received WorkRequest object to the worker.

The reason we send the work request to the worker in another goroutine, is so that we make sure the work queue never fills up. Goroutines are wonderfully inexpensive things; they are not threads, we can start as many as we want, and the scheduler in Go’s runtime will perform its namesake task. With this approach, we can pull a work request off of the work queue, then send the work request to a worker, but the worker := <-WorkerQueue will block.

It may seem silly, but because goroutines are cheap, we can care more about making sure the work queue never fills up, and that we give work to the workers as soon as possible. We would rather block on receiving a work request, than sending a work request to a worker.

Step 5: Putting it all together

At this point, we have:

  • A collector that receives, checks, and queues work requests
  • A worker that does the work
  • And a dispatcher that pulls work off of the work queue, and gives it to a worker

The last thing we need to do is tie it all together!

The main function is the entry-point for Go, when you write an application. We are also allowing the user to specify how many workers they would like to run, and what address the HTTP server should listen on. Both of the command-line flags are optional, and we provide sane defaults.

Since we took care to make things as simple as possible in the other files of our application, all we need to do is start the dispatcher, register the collector to the /work endpoint (remember, our collector was just an HTTP handler function), and then start the HTTP server.

Building the application

Each code snippet provided in this post can be put into its own file, and by Go’s coding standards, they should be in their own files, as each snippet provides an functional piece of our application.

So, assuming you put each of these code snippets into their own file, you should have:

  • work.go which holds our WorkRequest struct
  • collector.go which has our HTTP handler function, and also declares and initializes our work request queue WorkQueue
  • worker.go which implements our Worker struct, its Start and Stop methods, and our convenience function NewWorker
  • dispatcher.go which is where we implement our dispatcher, as an anonymous goroutine in the StartDispatcher function
  • main.go, where we call the StartDispatcher function, register the Collector HTTP handler function, and start the HTTP server

To build the application (let’s call it queued), run the following command:

$ go build -o queued *.go

Now, to run our application, how about we start it with 2048 workers, just for kicks?

$ ./queued -n 2048
Starting worker 2047
Starting worker 2048
Registering the collector
HTTP server listening on

Sweet! Now, in another terminal window, let’s write a little Bash one-liner, to flood our collector with requests:

$ for i in {1..4096}; do curl localhost:8000/work -d name=$USER -d delay=$(expr $i % 11)s; done

This one-liner, will loop for 2x the number of workers we defined, and upon each iteration, it will call curl(1) to make an HTTP POST request to localhost:8000/work passing along our username, and a delay, which is calculated as the modulo of our current loop iteration and the number 11.

I chose the number 11 here, because it will allow us to send work requests to the collector with delays from 0..10 seconds, which means we are also testing whether or not our sanity checking works.

In the terminal window where we had queued running, you should see a flurry of messages scrolling past. You may also notice, that the workers are running out of order! This is because we employed a “first-come/first-serve” type of queue.

In conclusion

Hopefully this article made sense, if it didn’t (or if there is a typo, or error somewhere), please feel free to hit me up on Twitter, or Google+. Heck, you could even create a new GitHub issue if you’d like!