Two-legged OAuth 1.0 calls, in Go

Half-way through last week, I stumbled across and thought it would be pretty decent to write up a nice, small API client for Go!

I am going to skip over what exactly it is that does. I provided a link above so you can check it out for yourself.

After signing up, I started to read through their documentation and discovered that they use OAuth to authorize any API requests. Cool beans! Yeah, well, first of all, it’s OAuth 1.0. Secondly, it’s two-legged OAuth 1.0.

A brief explanation of OAuth 1.0

What is “two-legged OAuth” you ask? Well, to really simplify it, OAuth is typically a “three-legged” authentication, and authorization procedure. When you go to enter into a conversation with an OAuth “provider” your application must have two things in its possession: a consumer token and a consumer secret. In the realm of shared-key encryption schemes, you pass around your token to vouch that a message came from you, but you keep the secret to yourself, as it is used in encrypting your communications, as well as allowing you to definitively say “yes, this message is from me”.

In the OAuth scheme of things, your application is what is referred to as the “consumer”.

The first leg of the OAuth conversation is when you approach the service provider (in this case, with your consumer token and secret, you are effectively asking to be authenticated; you are proving to the service provider that you are who you say you are.

The second leg of the conversation - assuming your initial authentication request succeeded - is the service provider responding with your access token and access secret. These are similar to your consumer token and secret, however, they are temporary and will expire after a certain amount of time. The access token and secret are used to sign and encrypt your subsequent requests to the service provider.

The third, and final, leg of the OAuth conversation is any request you make to the service provider, with your access token and access secret to authorize your request, before the access token and secret expire.

Expiry times on access tokens vary by service provider.

So, what is two-legged OAuth 1.0 then?

Armed with that knowledge, you are probably asking, “well, which leg is not used in two-legged OAuth?” The answer to that, is “the first one”. The initial authentication request is “skipped” because you are assumed to already have your access key/token and secret.

I feel it necessary to inform you, dearest reader, that this wasn’t an “out of the box” process. I cannot remember how I started trying to figure this out, but I think it involved looking at how the rauth Python library handled such things, mixed with various snippets of things I had come across online. The final solution to this issue could not have been reached without a teeny-tiny patch to the OAuth 1.0 package I used:

I just want to gush for a moment: I love the fact that I was able to make the small change necessary to make this work, and that the maintainer of the library merged in my pull request so shortly after I made it. Open development is wonderful.

Here is a working example of making a two-legged OAuth 1.0 call:

package main

import (


const (
    Key    = "4AxhC3QDTFPJXSUE"
    Secret = "v6U7Dvz2T5jtKzdmUEZPDWrtAjA5MGNR"

func main() {
    consumer := oauth.NewConsumer(Key, Secret, oauth.ServiceProvider{})
    accessToken := &oauth.AccessToken{}
    response, err := consumer.Get("http://some/remote/endpoint", nil, accessToken)
    fmt.Println("Response:", response.StatusCode, response.Status)

I am not going to explain most of this code, because I am assuming that you already know your way around the Go programming language, and that you are here to learn about making two-legged OAuth calls, in Go. It is rather apropos, but if the above code sample is leaving you baffled, you should really work your way through the Go tour, and then read Effective Go.

That aside, here are the strange things about the code above:

  1. We already know our access token (also referred to as a “key” in some cases), and access secret, however we are providing it to the oauth.NewConsumer() function, which we would typically feed our consumer token and secret into
  2. We are not specifying the service provider’s URLs that would typically tell the library where to fetch our request, authorization, or access tokens (we are leaving them all blank)
  3. We are leaving our request’s access token and secret blank

In conclusion, this works, and I am not entirely sure how. Additionally, I would like to thank Matt Jones for having done most of the hard work by writing an OAuth library for Go, and also for responding so quickly to my pull request.