New new site

As is customary, every couple of years, I decide it is time to port my personal blog over to some other platform.

This time around, I am not relying on a third-party service for hosting. In the past, this blog was originally on Blogspot. All of the content there has been lost to the ether, and there is now some random spam taking its place. After that, I moved a little more towards self-hosting, and tried using Github Pages with Jekyll, and that was fine, but it didn’t really keep me engaged.

Now, I am just that much closer to self-hosting the whole thing. In essence, I sort of am self-hosting? The content you are reading is currently hosted on a droplet, and the site is generated with Hugo. The content (as always) is mine, but this is not being hosted on a server out of my basement.

Who knows, maybe in the future, it will be.